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The coming generation are always full of possibility.
For the birth of a new product and the advent of a new market,
the most modern technologies for materials flow and conveyance are always needed.
In Japan, MARUYASU holds eleven sales bases where every sales staff sounds the customers needs and listens to the customers requests. The results thus obtained are fed back to the planning and development divisions, thus leading to the improvement of products and development of new products.
The “LESSVEYOR” for conveyance of precision parts in which conveyor rollers are rotated by a magnet drive is one of fruitful results. Its world-first mechanism making the best use of the magnetic repulsion/attraction principle became the topic of conversation in the industry.
Moreover, the auto-tension mechanism requiring no meandering adjustment is also highly reputed in the industry.

Always New
MARUYASU will respond to the customers reliability
and expectations with the know-hows of its own.
MARUYASU has promptly materialized the epoch-making standard products and system products
and is proud of its excellent designing capability and production technologies full of applicability.
In order to actualize various requests from the planning and development divisions, MARUYASU’s design and production technology divisions are making full use of accumulated know-hows to clear up a new theme quickly.
Further, in order to ensure economical and efficient production, these divisions are now promoting the modularization toward labor-saving and cost reduction.
Also for the system products that can be referred to as order-made or custom-made products, MARUYASU will lay out the conveyance and materials flow lines best-suited for the customer’s request after the customer’s
operating environment has been confirmed.
By meeting the customers demands for quick delivery and follow-up after delivery, MARUYASU is demonstrating a firm partnership with customers that none but MARUYASU can be.

Good Quality
It is the MARUYASU’s strong sense of responsibility
and mission that can hold out the firm reliability in its products.
MARUYASU’s manufacturing division capable of supplying a wide variety of products smoothly
and certainly is engaged consistently in manufacturing of products ranging from best-sellers to world-first ones.
MARUYASU has its principal production base in Okaya City, Nagano Pref.
In order to supply a variety of products at lower prices, MARUYASU holds the manufacturing division and quality control division having know-hows of their own, thus leading to the realization of high flexible integrated system capable of covering the conveyance of goods ranging from extra fine parts to cases of medium mass.
Since the lines of MARUYASU’s products for conveyance and materials flow constitute the life line indispensable for the industrial activities, MARUYASU’s
inspection and quality control divisions are also in pursuit of high quality. Under the system having acquired the ISO 9001 Certificate, MARUYASU is making thoroughgoing improvements through the TQC activities and is further making close checking by up-to-date inspection equipment and repeated running tests for the strength and durability to deliver its products under the perfect quality control system.

Always in the posture of customer first, MARUYASU will launch out into the world.
Based on its long experience, MARUYASU’s development and production divisions will work in one united body to support every customer in various aspects ranging from design,manufacturing, introduction up to operation.
MARUYASU has established the service/support system fully responsible to the customers needs in various parts of the country.
MARUYASU’s salespersons in various parts of the country will not only perform the sales/business activities, but also do their duties as a coordinator who will sometimes offer a counterproposal as an expert in materials flow and conveyance based on their long experience.
MARUYASU has established the total support system capable of ensuring stable operation of the machine from its design, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, maintenance up to after-sales service.